
       Semiconductor (semiconductor), refers to the room temperature conductivity between conductors (conductor and an insulator (insulator) between the materials.Semiconductors are widely used in radio, television and temperature measurement.A diode, for example, is a device made of semiconductors.A semiconductor is a material whose electrical conductivity can be controlled from an insulator to a conductor.The importance of semiconductors is enormous, both in terms of technology and economic development.Most of today's electronic products, such as computers, mobile phones, or digital recorders, have a core unit that is closely related to semiconductors.Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc. Silicon is one of the most influential semiconductor materials in commercial application.
       The semiconductor industry has become dependent on the modern production process of pumping technology. KIMMET vacuum pump oil and air compressor oil help the vacuum system and air pressure system to be more stable, cleaner, more economical and more environmentally friendly in the production process.